About Company
Manufacturer of premium quality PU Tubes, PU Spiral Hoses And Pneumatic Air Cylinder.
Being distinctive from other competitors is one of the most important strategies for a company to lead in the rapidly expanding market. We, Air India Pneumatics have created a unique position in the market by adopting different policies & practices from our counterparts and developing a diversified range of pneumatic products such as AC Filter Regulator Combination, Metal Pipe, Polyurethane Spiral Hose, Pneumatic Tube, Solenoid Valves, etc. We have established our company in the year 2017, and since then we have been delivering products to a wide client base all across India. As a prominent manufacturer and supplier of various pneumatic products, we are known for providing industry best products, intelligent solutions and exceptional service. We help companies to increase their productivity and efficiency. We provide intelligent pneumatic solutions to companies of various industries such as packaging, printing, water treatment, plumbing, transportation etc. Our products stand out for their abrasion resistance, strong construction and durability.